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The Spell Of Grey Spinel

Like the most magnificent thunderstorm, the Grey Spinel dazzles with its moods, a range of chic, elegant shades, its tones and enthralling warmth. If you are tired of flamboyance and looking for balanced sophistication, Grey Spinel is the answer. The cool, contemplative shades of grey will clearly keep you apart from madding crowd of everyday colors.  Unlike […]

Lustrous, fiery zircons

Zircon (Zirconium Silicate ZrSiO4). Mohs hardness:  6.5 – 7.5 Refractive Index:  1.777 – 1.987 Lustrous, fiery, and considered to be among the oldest minerals on earth, the Zircon is one of the most fascinating gemstones in existence. Known for its durability, as well as its resistance to chemical attack, scientists have called the Zircon, a “tiny […]

Blue Zircon And The Red Horn Rhino

How do you think you’d feel – wearing one of the oldest stones on planet Earth? A gem described by Hindu poets as the ultimate gift to the gods? A jewel that can almost be described as alive?This jewel is the zircon. Known in ancient times as the Zargun or ‘the Golden One’, Zircon has […]